Косметика против старения

Чем занимается Антивозрастная Anti-Age медицина

С современном мире всё чаще человек тратит время и силы для того, чтобы улучшить свой внешний вид. Но ведь появление морщин на коже – это только внешнее проявление процессов старения. Наряду с этим происходят изменения во всех системах и органах человека, появляются такие жалобы, как усталость, раздражительность, проблемы со сном, снижение полового влечения.

Существует много причин, способствующих процессам старения: сниженный уровень гормональной активности, недостаточное потребление в пищу витаминов, микроэлементов, аминокислот, нутриентов, плохая экология, избыточный вес, постоянные стрессы.

Для предотвращения процесса старения необходимо не только внешнее омоложение, но также и внутреннее. В первую очередь, это касается гормонального дисбаланса. Гормоны организма (тиреоидные гормоны, половые гормоны, кортизол, инсулин) оказывают большое влияние на скорость протекания всех метаболических процессов в организме.
Также большое участие в обмене веществ принимает печень и желудочно-кишечный тракт. Таким образом, Anti-Age медицина предлагает комплексный подход, который включает в себя нормализацию гормональной активности организма, функции печени и желудочно-кишечного тракта, подбор индивидуального питания, борьбу с лишним весом, оптимизацию физической активности, а также новые технологии в косметологии, дерматологии и пластической хирургии.

Why You Really Need Anti-Aging Products For Your Skin

You may have started to notice signs of aging as soon as you hit your 20s. Aging is a natural wear and tear process you can’t really get away from. Studies have shown that the skin’s ability to repair and produce collagen and elastin slows down as we add up our years. Collagen and elastin are skin fibers that keep skin spongy, moist, and young-looking. In fact, among subjects 60 years and over, it was found out that collagen is basically absent.

With skin damage accumulated over the years and the decreasing ability of the skin to heal, fine lines, wrinkles, blotches, age spots, and dark under eye circles worsen. If lines, creases, and age spots on your face have been adding up, you must have been neglecting your skin for too long. Chronic exposure to the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays, cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol intake, and stress may have predisposed you to look older too soon.

It’s never too late to start a skin care regimen, and now, more than ever is the best time for you to find solutions to your wrinkles and blotches. There are several things that you can do today to make sure you always look younger than your real age. Your first resort is over-the-counter anti-aging creams and serums. Our obsession to fight aging over the centuries, however, has given birth to a robust skin care industry that has made it overly challenging to separate myths from facts.

To help you sort which bottles in your favorite beauty counters are science-backed or quack, we listed some of the basic things you should be looking for in a beautiful bottle.


There are at least two opposite views on the prospects of anti-aging research and development. One group states that there is a great deal of over-heated rhetoric in use with respect to life extension with over-optimistic projections on the part of its advocates. They also claim that there is little evidence that any significant breakthrough has been made, or is on the horizon. Some state that, this is largely due to a current lack of funding or interest in the issue. A study of the common supplements and hormone treatments used published in 2006 in the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine showed that none of them are effective with respect to extending life.
Another group notices that recent scientific successes in rejuvenation and extending the lifespan of model animals (mice 2.5 times, yeast and nematodes 10 times)[failed verification] and discovery of variety of species (including humans of advanced ages) having negligible senescence give hope to achieve negligible senescence (cancel ageing) for younger humans, reverse ageing, or at least significantly delay it. Moreover, stopping or delaying aging should be a focus of the modern science and medicine since ageing is the major cause of mortality in the world.

Though some scientists think curing aging is impossible, there are some criticisms of both the time frame life extensionists envision (the first, perhaps somewhat crude, treatments within the next several decades, or at least before the beginning of the 22nd century) and of whether curing aging is even desirable. Common criticisms of the idea of life extension are fears it will cause the world to be more overpopulated; however De Grey counters that by saying that since menopause would also be delayed, women could wait longer to have children and thus, the rate of growth would actually decline as a result. Also, the slowly growing population would buy centuries of time to figure out new places to live, such as space colonies.


  1. ^
  2. Vincent, John (2013). «The Anti-Aging Movement». In Schermer, Maartje; Pinxten, Wim (eds.). Ethics, Health Policy and (Anti-) Aging: Mixed Blessings. Springer Netherlands. p. 30. ISBN 978-94-007-3870-6. There have been a number of social movements associated with the reappraisal of age-based social categories in the last thirty years. Two such developments are the focus of this chapter. They are the Third Age movement and the Anti-aging movement. These movements present contrasting perspectives on the culturally devalued status of old age; the former seeks to celebrate old age, the latter to eliminate it.
  3. Ronald Klatz, Grow Young with HGH: The Amazing Medically Proven Plan to Reverse Aging Harper Paperbacks (May 8, 1998), trade paperback, 400 pages ISBN 0-06-098434-1 ISBN 978-0060984342
  4. «Aging: Disease or Business Opportunity?»] article by Duff Wilson in The New York Times April 15, 2007
  5. Robert A. Wilson, Feminine Forever, M. Evans and Company, Inc. (June 15, 1968), hardcover, ISBN 0-87131-049-X ISBN 978-0871310491
  6. ^
  7. Gavrilov, Rejuvenation Res. 2010 Apr; 13(2-3): 329–334. «Demographic Consequences of Defeating Aging»



DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is an adrenal hormone that is the precursor for steroid hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. DHEA declines precipitously with advancing age in both men and women. In 1981, Life Extension introduced DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) to its customers through an article that described the multiple benefits that this hormone might produce. However, the general public did not learn about DHEA supplements until 1996, when the benefits of DHEA were touted by the news media and in several popular books. DHEA became credible to the medical establishment when the New York Academy of Sciences published a book entitled DHEA and Aging. This book provided scientific validation for the many life extending effects of DHEA.


The hormonal stimulus for sex drive in both men and women is testosterone, which declines with advancing age in both sexes. Testosterone also plays an important role in maintaining muscle mass and strength and bone density. The hormone is often administered to aging men and women as a topical cream, but oral testosterone supplements and injectable forms are also available.

Estrogen and Progesterone

The «female» steroid hormones estrogen and progesterone play important roles in maintaining bone density and strength, sexual function, mental function and, in women, in countering the effects of the menopause. Recent studies indicate that estrogen may be an effective treatment for age-associated memory problems.* Both estrogen and progesterone are available in a variety of forms — natural or synthetic, oral or topical. There is considerable interest in the use of plant-derived phytoestrogens, which have weak (but safe) estrogenic activity as a possible replacement for drug forms of estrogen. One product, Natural Estrogen, has been specially designed for this purpose.


Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland, which is located beneath the brain. Melatonin is a highly potent antioxidant, which has been described as the pacemaker of the aging clock in humans. It is released every night as part of our time-dependent biorhythms to help induce sleep and recuperation from fatigue. Published studies indicate the importance of maintaining youthful levels of melatonin to help protect against age-related degenerative diseases.


Pregnenolone is known as the «mother hormone» because it is the precursor of a number of hormones including DHEA, testosterone and estrogen. Studies have demonstrated that the neurosteroid Pregnenolone has a stimulatory effect on memory.

Ирина Гридасова, главный врач и основатель центра эстетической медицины Талисия

Ирина Гридасова – косметолог, к которому стремятся попасть на прием девушки всех возрастов. И именно о возрасте мы сегодня поговорим. Эксперт в омоложении, Ирина Евгеньевна рассказывает о направлении в медицине, которое призвано улучшить качеств

Антивозрастную медицину часто путают с эстетической. Так, сегодня в модной упаковке «анти-эйдж» зачастую подаются методики чисто эстетические, направленные на механическое устранение внешних признаков старения (пластическая хирургия, косметология, космецевтика и т.?п.).

Между тем, в случае с анти-эйдж медициной, речь, как ни парадоксально, речь идет вовсе не о борьбе с возрастом и его признаками. Истинная антивозрастная медицина – это, в первую очередь, решение внутренних проблем организма, нормализация работы органов. Благодаря этому достигаются два ключевых эффекта:

  • увеличивается продолжительность жизни (за счет нейтрализации целого набора «вредных» факторов, в число которых входит генетическая предрасположенность к тем или иным заболеваниям, изъяны в образе жизни, гормональный дисбаланс, недостаток витаминов и микроэлементов и многое другое).
  • улучшается качество жизни (как в физическом, так и в психологическом, в сексуальном и в иных аспектах).

В анти-эйдж медицине упор делается не на внешние проблемы, а на выявление предрасположенности человека к разного рода патологиям и предупреждение их развития. Поэтому лечение всегда начинается с глубокой, комплексной диагностики – генетической и общей. Пациент получает подробнейшую «инструкцию по эксплуатации» собственного организма, с рекомендациями не только медицинского характера – но и индивидуальные правила питания, физической активности, сна, психогенетики (отношений с другими людьми). Генетический анализ, на основе которого подбирается терапия, витамины, диета – это всё составляющие курса анти-эйдж программы, которая составляется персонально для каждого.

В каком возрасте стоит задуматься о посещении анти-эйдж специалиста? Возможности диагностики позволяют уже в раннем возрасте определить все опасные предрасположенности. Чем раньше вы узнаете о проблемах, с которыми предстоит столкнуться, тем более эффективно можно будет использовать эту информацию.

И еще один момент. Антивозрастная и эстетическая медицина не исключают друг друга. Оба направления решают свой круг задач, пересекаясь лишь в работе с отдельными аспектами старения – где они не конкурируют, а удачно дополняют друг друга. Поэтому, заботясь о внутреннем, не забывайте и о внешнем.

B Complex Vitamins

Folic Acid, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12

Cardiovascular disease, the number-one killer of men and women, claims the lives of almost 40% of the more than 2.4 million Americans who die each year. Today, about 64 million Americans have some form of cardiovascular disease. Homocysteine a nonessential, sulfur-containing amino acid, is an independent marker of risk for the development of cardiovascular disease. Back in 1981, we first recommended that customers reduce homocysteine levels by taking folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12. Some researchers consider homocysteine as important a cardiovascular risk factor as low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Homocysteine can make blood clot more easily than normal, increasing the risk of both heart attack and death by heart attack. Inadequate levels of folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12 can lead to increased homocysteine levels.

Anti-aging medicine

Anti-aging medicine has become a budding and rapidly growing medical specialty as physicians who initially sought treatment for themselves have received training and certification in its practice by organizations such as the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) co-founded by Dr Robert M. Goldman and Ronald Klatz.

Human growth hormone

Central to anti-aging medicine is administration of human growth hormone. Clinical studies have shown that low-dose growth hormone (GH) treatment for adults with GH deficiency changes the body composition by increasing muscle mass, decreasing fat mass, and increasing bone density and muscle strength. It also improves cardiovascular parameters (i.e. decrease of LDL cholesterol) and affects the quality of life without significant side effects. However, it is also said to have potentially dangerous side-effects when used in injectable form, if proper protocols are not followed. It is not approved for use in healthy aging patients, though many have been using it for this reason for decades now. That restriction is sidestepped by means of a diagnosis of some injury, organic condition, or adult growth hormone deficiency which supposedly has resulted in reduced secretion of the hormone.

Menopausal hormone drugs

Administration of estrogen and other hormones such as progestin were popularized by the 1966 book Feminine Forever by Robert A. Wilson. However, the increase of the use of estrogen was shown to be associated with an increased risk of cancer. Later, in 2002, research into the long-term effects of estrogen on post-menopausal women, the Women’s Health Initiative, produced evidence that there were serious side effects. Physicians who prescribe the hormones now prescribe low doses of the drugs. Research into the long-term effects of hormone replacement therapy is continuing, with a 2017 Cochrane systematic review concluding that long-term use may decrease the risk of bone fractures or postmenopausal osteoporosis, but increase the risk of stroke, heart attacks, endometrial cancer, and breast cancer. Hormone therapy is generally only recommended for postmenopausal women who are at a high risk of osteoporosis when non-hormonal treatments are not suitable. Hormone therapy is not suitable or advised for treating cardiovascular disease, dementia, or for preventing cognitive decline in postmenopausal women. The risks of long-term hormonal therapy for women under 50 years of age have not been determined.

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